41st SQA Annual Meeting and Quality College
The 41st SQA Annual Meeting will bring together over 600 expected Quality Assurance professionals for plenaries, concurrent sessions, regulatory speakers, poster presentations, peripheral meetings, and more. Presentations covered "hot topics" in GCP, GLP, GMP, pharmacovigilance, scientific archiving, computer validation, veterinary medicine, and other QA disciplines. Quality College courses before and after the meeting will explore a timely QA topics with a range of beginning, intermediate, and advanced courses.
QAC, a Division of Quality Associates, Inc, is proud to be a member of SQA for over 15 years and to be a GOLD level sponsor for 6 years in a row!
40th SQA Annual Meeting & Quality College
QAC celebrated the Ruby Anniversary of the SQA Annual Meeting in Aurora, Colorado this past April! The 40th SQA Annual Meeting and Quality College brought together Quality Assurance professionals for plenaries, concurrent sessions, regulatory speakers, poster presentations, peripheral meetings, and more. The program included concurrent sessions on topics in Beyond Compliance, Bioanalysis, Computer Validation, Data Integrity, Good Clinical Practices, Good Laboratory Practices, Good Manufacturing Practices, Medical and Veterinary Devices, Pharmacovigilance, and more. Quality College courses before and after the conference explored a wide range of beginning, intermediate, and advanced topics in QA.
QAC, a Division of Quality Associates, Inc, is proud to be a member of SQA for over 15 years and to be a GOLD level sponsor for 5 years in a row!
2024 NAICC Annual Meeting and Ag Pro Expo
The National Alliance of Independent Crop Consultants (NAICC) was founded in 1978 and is a national society of agricultural professionals who provide research and advisory services to clients for a fee. The 750+ members work from bases in 40+ states and several foreign countries and have expertise in the production of most crops grown around the world.
The 2024 NAICC Annual Meeting and AG PRO EXPO was THE place where the nation’s top professionals came for networking and education opportunities. QAC was one of the 85 booths at the AG PRO EXPO trade show.
SOT 62nd Annual Meeting and ToxExpo
The SOT 62nd Annual Meeting and ToxExpo featured more than 70 Featured and Scientific Sessions, 2,000 presentations, 250 exhibitors, and 5,000 attendees.
39th SQA Annual Meeting & Quality College
The 39th SQA Annual Meeting brought together Quality Assurance professionals from around the world for plenaries, concurrent sessions, a regulatory Q&A panel, poster presentations, peripheral meetings, and more. Presentations covered "hot topics" in GCP, GLP, GMP, pharmacovigilance, scientific archiving, computer validation, veterinary medicine, and other QA disciplines.
38th SQA Annual Meeting & Quality College
The SQA Annual Meeting and Quality College are dedicated to promoting and advancing the principles and knowledge of quality assurance essential to human, animal and environmental health worldwide. Quality Associates has been a key sponsor to this event for over 15 years.
61st SOT Annual Meeting and ToxExpo
More than 2,000 presentations will be delivered through scientific sessions, continuing education courses, poster sessions, and exhibitor-hosted sessions. Quality Assurance Consultancy will be on hand for this in-person event as an exhibitor. This is the 6th year we have been a part of this annual meeting.
DIA 2021 Global Annual Meeting
Quality Assurance Consultancy is a proud sponsor of this year's Drug Information Association (DIA) Global Annual Meeting. The event promises to push beyond walls and borders for thousands of life science professionals. Attendees will hear the latest from leading industry experts who will cover critical topics, such as recognizing and adapting to a new era of global change uncertainty. Collaboration with speakers and attendees alike will play a key role in building the framework of the future--making connections, gaining skills and insights, as well as advancing science to improve global health.

Society of Quality Assurance Refocus 2021
Quality Assurance Consultancy and our staff has been an active participant with SQA and the local NCARSQA for well over 20 years as members and attending meetings/trainings. We are also a proud sponsor and exhibitor at the SQA annual meeting. Make plans to visit our virtual booth during the conference. We also look forward to having you join us at our educational session, Considerations for Converting Hardcopy Data to Electronic Image Files for GLP/GCP Purposes, that airs April 15th at 11:00.
DIA 2020 Global Annual Meeting
For more than 50 years, DIA has provided the world’s largest global, neutral stage for life science professionals to come together and address healthcare challenges. Driven by purpose and focused on the future of health, the stakeholders who gather at our Global Annual Meeting advance science and technology for public health impact – today, and for generations to come.
This is a crucial moment in the life sciences arena.
The remarkable convergence of science, technology, and policy makes this a critical time of focus. The DIA 2020 Global Annual Meeting will take that focus and direct it at the opportunities for the future of healthcare.
DIA’s Global Annual Meeting
Come and get a conversation started with us at Booth # 2313
35th SQA Annual Meeting
Come and get a conversation started with us at Booth #211.
Drug Information Association (DIA)
Visit us at the national meeting at Booth #1530!
Society of Quality Assurance (SQA)
Visit us at the national meeting at Booth #315!